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Your privacy is of the utmost importance to RafflesGold.com. While using our service, we attempt to minimize the personal information that we need from you. We always want you to be fully informed of how this information is gathered and used.

What Information Does RafflesGold.com Gather?

When you register on RafflesGold.com, we ask you to provide us with a user name, password, e-mail address information and home/work location. In addition to the information you provide to us, RafflesGold.com also collects other technical information such as IP addresses and the date and time of your visit. And, of course, RafflesGold.com collects the information that you choose to provide when you make a post on one of our forums so that we can archive and display your posts. Please use caution when posting material on any RafflesGold.com as your posts become immediately available to the public and may be recorded and stored by anyone.

How We Use the Information

We understand that your personally identifiable information is private and confidential. Generally, we use your personally identifiable information to provide you with our services. For example, in order to verify your registration, we use your e-mail address to send you a message after you register so that you can validate your account. We also use registration information to ensure compliance with our Terms of Use and the law, and to better understand our user base. We use that information in the aggregate to improve our services to you. None of this aggregated information is personally identifiable. RafflesGold.com also reserves the right to use or disclose any user information if we have reason to believe that user may be violating the law, our rights, or the rights of other RafflesGold.com users. Finally, RafflesGold.com may send you messages on a regular basis through your Private Message InBox to keep you apprised of your membership status, site developments, and to inform you of new offers. You also have the ability to send messages to and receive messages from other users through Private Messaging. You also have the ability to manage the receipt and distribution of Private Messages through your "My Control" center. All Private Messages transmitted through RafflesGold.com remain within the RafflesGold.com system, and your personal information is not released to any other party.

To Whom We Disclose Information

Be assured that your personally identifiable information is not sold to others. In the interest of bringing the highest quality services to you "under one roof," however, RafflesGold.com may formed partnerships with other Web-based services. Some of these arrangements include the sharing of some of your personal information with our partners in order to extend these services to you. RafflesGold.com, as well as its partner sites, may send you e-mail messages on a regular basis to keep you apprised of your membership status, site developments, and to inform you of new offers. Examples of this on RafflesGold.com may include a RafflesGold.com newsletter and special offers from our partners. Included in each of these messages are simple instructions on how to remove yourself from these mailings if you do not wish to receive them in the future. Additionally, we may use third parties to help us perform services, like transmitting emails in response to your requests, or other service-related functions. If these third parties require access to your personally identifiable information in order to provide their services, they will be obligated to abide by this privacy policy when handling your information. There are some situations where we may need to disclose information to organizations or entities not described in our policy here. First, we may be legally required to disclose your information if required by a subpoena or court order. If this happens, and legal authorities permit it, we will attempt to notify you at least 14 days before any disclosure. Second, we may transfer the information in our possession in connection with a sale of assets or merger of RafflesGold.com.

Special Note on Personal Profiles

After you register with RafflesGold.com, you are able to create a personal profile with information that you can make accessible to other RafflesGold.com registered users and guests. Your profile can include a variety of information, including a name, e-mail address, physical location, or other information such as a photo, listing of recent posts you have made, a personal biography, or other personal information. Please be aware that RafflesGold.com does not generally monitor or review the information in your profile and the information that you choose to provide will be publicly accessible. Please use caution when deciding on what information to include in your personal profile. RafflesGold.com will maintain your personal profile on our servers until such time that you delete or modify that personal profile.

Changing and Deleting Your Information

After you register with us at RafflesGold.com, you will have an opportunity to change your e-mail address so that you continue to receive future messages from RafflesGold.com. Keep in mind that the information you provide on your personal profile page is readily accessible to you and may be modified and deleted at any time.

How We Protect Your Information

We understand that you are providing personal information to us here at RafflesGold.com. While we have gone to great lengths to describe what it is that we collect and how we use it, we would also like you to know how we protect your information. It is our intention to treat your account information with reasonable care. Along those lines, we have implemented industry standard firewall protection and password protected all of the databases that contain your information. You are also one of the most important aspects of our security. Please do not share your password with anyone and be aware that others can view anything you post in RafflesGold.com. In order to best protect yourself, please think twice before providing personally identifiable information on RafflesGold.com.


RafflesGold.com uses cookies on its website to help provide a more personalized browsing experience. While you are free to disable cookies on your browser to use our site, some of our features may not work if cookies are disabled and you will have to log on at the beginning of each session. For further information about what cookies are or how they are used, please visit this page.

Modifications of This Policy

In the future, RafflesGold.com may update and revise its privacy policy. We will provide conspicuous notice on our website if we decide to change our privacy policy. At that time, you will have the opportunity to decide whether or not you would like RafflesGold.com to apply the new privacy policy to your personal information or to opt out of the new policy. If you continue to use RafflesGold.com, you will be accepting the new policies. If you decide to opt out of the new policy, you will no longer be able to participate as a user.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy still unanswered after reviewing this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 26-Jun-24 7:42 am

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