Bakki Shower, Bacteria House fillter media |
Bakki Shower, Bacteria House fillter media |
Kinder |
Tue, 20 Jun 2006 10:30 am
Silver Member No.: 1,850 Group: Member Posts: 240 Topics Started: 23 Joined: 13-Mar-06 Last seen online: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 10:48 pm User's local time: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 6:55 am Green Water: Yes Country: Australia |
This link on Bakki Shower was posted by bro desireless earlier. I had a read through and found it quite effective (Bacteria House media) inregards to the tests carried out. The user was able to achieve the following with 15% water change of once a week: "lower nitrate level ( approximately 20ppm ) softer water ( approximately 40-60ppm ) very low DOC High ORP reading ( above 500 ) very high dissolved oxygen temperature of below 27 degrees constantly" Question is has any bros used Bakki shower method or just the bacteria house media here at RG? |
Dick Benbow |
Sun, 13 Jan 2008 3:16 am
Ordinary Member No.: 3,392 Group: Member Posts: 23 Topics Started: 2 Joined: 2-Jan-08 Last seen online: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 1:32 am User's local time: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 1:55 pm Green Water: Not Telling Country: USA |
I can only answer your question on UV from my koi experience. I live in a part of the USA that has fairly rapid temperature changes in the spring and fall that can overwhelm filter systems with the change. I don't use a UV because I believe if you have proper filtration and water exchange, you won't need one. I feel that by using a UV all year long, it gives you the impression that your water is clean and clear anf therefore healthy. Which may lull you into relaxing your guard. I think when a pond goes green when you don't want it to, it tells you "Hey, you need to see what's happening! " Also bulbs wear out fairly quickly and it may seem it's working when it's not. Powerful electro magnets never need replacing and will kill just as effectively.
In defense of UV, if you run them in the spring and fall while your pond's temperature range drops or rises from the 50's thru the 60's (fahrenheit) then you can eradicate your fishes paracites that lay eggs in the water and are vulnerable to the light as they pass by till they hatch. This is the usual time when the pond is transistioning from winter to spring or fall to winter and may help a filter system make the transistion with a little help. I suggest you turn it off after that |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 16-Dec-24 4:55 am |